Call for eProceedings



We invite all authors who presented symposia, oral presentations, posters, or workshops at the ESERA 2023 Conference to submit their papers for inclusion in the ESERA 2023 eProceedings.

An electronic proceedings will be published of papers presented at the ESERA 2023. The eProceedings will contain electronic publications of revised and extended papers presented at the ESERA 2023 Conference.  The eProceedings will be published in the ESERA Conference Proceedings series. This will be the ninth publication in this series, entitled “Connecting Science Education with Cultural Heritage”, which was also the theme of ESERA 2023.

All communications presented at the ESERA 2023 Conference are welcome. After the conference, all authors are asked to produce updated versions of their papers and take into account the discussion that took place after the presentation and the suggestions received from other participants at the conference.

For each oral presentation, poster presentation, or workshop, authors can submit one paper. For panels or symposia, submit one paper for each/any one of the presentations of the symposium (i.e. each presenter can submit their papers individually).

Rules for submitting a paper for eProceedings:

  • Submissions should be submitted in Word format.
  • Submissions should be a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 10 pages (tables, figures references etc. all included).
  • Submissions MUSTuse  the ESERA 2023 eProceedings template
  • Submissions will be made through the same interface (Oxford Abstract platform) you used for the conference application. Please go to your existing dashboard and add only “Proceeding” to your previous submission (If you need further information, please watch the   video).

The deadline for submissions is on January 31, 2024. 

Process for submission and review:
The submission system will be open until January 31, 2024.
– The submission will be reviewed by the Strand Chairs to ensure adherence to the acceptance criteria and formatting.
– Strand Chairs will decide on ACCEPTANCE or REJECTION, there won’t be a chance for revision. formatting.
The eProceedings will be published online on September 1, 2024. 

Acceptance criteria
– Submission MUST adhere to the one presented at the ESERA 2023 conference;
– Submission MUST adhere to the template provided;
– Submission is sufficiently clear and logical;
– Language is at an acceptable level.

There will be NO opportunity for resubmission, therefore, please follow the template provided. Final decisions will be made by the Editors and the authors will be informed of the decision via e-mail on the Oxford Abstract platform.

For queries related to the conference eProceedings, please send an email to